10 Stupidly Obvious Video Game Plot Holes You Just Had To Ignore

9. Why Wasn't Scott Arrested For The Mansion Killing Spree? - Heavy Rain

Heavy Rain Scott Shelby
Quantic Dream

Heavy Rain is, in fairness, a game with its fair share of eyebrow-raising narrative inconsistencies, what with one of the game's playable characters, private investigator Scott Shelby, turning out to be the Origami Killer himself in a continuity-derailing plot twist.

But even accepting that Shelby is presented as an unreliable narrator, there's one bothersome scene near the end of the game that just beggars belief.

Shelby heads to Charles Kramer's mansion and shoots several of Kramer's bodyguards dead, while the player is given the option of letting Kramer die of a heart attack or saving his life.

Yet even if the player saves Kramer, Shelby's violent slaughter is immediately disregarded and, despite Kramer's ability to finger Shelby to the cops, he's seemingly never reported to the police.

If you get the ending where Shelby escapes scot-free, it seems even more absurd, especially in a game so intently focused on the consequences of one's actions.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.