10 Stupidly Obvious Video Game Plot Holes You Just Had To Ignore

8. Aidan Is Retconned To Be King Leoric's Son - Diablo III

Diablo Aidan King Leoric

The protagonist of the first two Diablo games is simply known as the "Dark Wanderer," until Diablo III came along and forced a heap of contrived retconning upon a fanbase already displeased by the game's always-online DRM and auction house debacle.

Despite the first two games firmly establishing that King Leoric had just one son, Albrecht, Diablo III re-jigs the facts to reveal that not only does Leoric have a second son, but this new child is none other than the series' original protagonist, the Dark Wanderer himself.

In a further feat of unnecessary demystification, it turns out his real name is...Aidan.

Not only is Diablo III's story almost totally unaffected by the reveal - therefore rendering it pointless - but it actively forces the player to reconsider the series' established lore in awkward ways. Namely, what the hell was Aidan doing when his dad went mad prior to the events of the first game?

Given that not a single character recognises the Dark Wanderer as Leoric's son in the first two games, it retroactively makes the original Diablo in particular seem totally ridiculous.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.