10 Stupidly Obvious Video Game Plot Holes You Just Had To Ignore

4. How Did A Single Necromorph Slaughter The USM Valor? - Dead Space

Dead Space USM Valor

The original Dead Space is a masterpiece of claustrophobic tension, and one of its more distinctive moments sees protagonist Isaac Clark learning that an incoming rescue vessel, the USM Valor, has picked up an escape pod containing a Necromorph and become overrun.

Except, anyone who's played a Dead Space game will scarcely be able to believe that a single Slasher-type Necromorph would be able to run riot in a Destroyer-class vessel and annihilate all 67 of its crew members.

Even accepting the element of surprise the Necromorph may have had, it's highly implausible that a single Slasher could dismantle everyone onboard before they could destroy it, especially as without an Infector Necromorph onboard, there was no known way to quickly spread the contagion throughout the ship.

Fans have long debated how the Valor was able to fall so easily, but ultimately, it's easier to just spare your sanity (and your time) and pawn it off as because plot.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.