10 Stupidly Obvious Video Game Plot Holes You Just Had To Ignore

3. Why Didn't Cloud Revive Aerith? - Final Fantasy VII

Final Fantasy 7 VII Aeris

Perhaps the most famous plot hole in video game history is one compounded by its sheer emotional impact.

Aerith's unexpected death in Final Fantasy VII left players shook to the core, but once they wiped the tears away and took a few deep breaths, many began to question why Cloud couldn't just...use a Phoenix Down to revive her.

Now, even if you accept that Phoenix Downs are only able to rouse someone from unconsciousness rather than actual death, the Revive materia is perfectly capable of cancelling death states, a fact that's curiously glossed over for the sake of some emotionally shattering drama.

Granted, the Final Fantasy franchise's grasp on its own internal logic - especially as it pertains to both magic and life/death - is loose at best, but even so, it's easy to understand why an urban legend persisted for years that there was a way to bring Aerith back to life.

It'll be interesting to see whether or not Square Enix bows to fan demand and allows Aerith to be resurrected in the upcoming remake.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.