10 Subtle Video Game Twists Everyone Missed

8. You're Secretly A Villain - Inside

Inside Game

Inside is one of the most unforgettable video game experiences of the last few years, all the way through to its insane ending, where the boy protagonist is sucked into a fleshy blob known as The Huddle, which violently escapes from its confinement and comes to rest as a serene coastline.

But things get even trippier if you manage to unlock Inside's alternate ending, which requires the player to deactivate a series of fourteen orbs hidden throughout the game.

Upon doing so and returning to where the second orb was hidden, you can enter a bunker, and after completing a cipher puzzle, you'll find a room with a series of computers, a mind control helmet, and a plug.

The player can then pull the plug, which immediately causes the boy to slump down in the limp state adopted by all the other "slave" humans seen throughout the game, and the player can no longer control him. The End.

Though the ending is technically ambiguous and Playdead has flatly refused to explain it, the widely accepted interpretation is that this final pulling of the plug represents the boy being set free from the player themselves, who in turn is implied to be another layer of antagonistic control. Yikes.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.