10 Subtle Video Game Twists Everyone Missed

7. Calendar Man Is Present When Wayne Manor Explodes - Batman: Arkham Knight

Batman Arkham Knight Calendar Man

Rocksteady's most recent Batman game concludes with the Dark Knight activating the "Knightfall protocol," whereby Bruce Wayne fakes his and Alfred's deaths by having them walk into Wayne Manor moments before it explodes.

However, if you're really paying attention moments before the explosion, you'll notice an intriguing, sneaky supervillain cameo while Vicki Vale is reporting on Batman's return to Wayne Manor.

On the right-hand side of the screen, there's the blink-and-you'll-miss-it presence of a tattooed bald head that is definitely the serial killer Calendar Man, who appeared in most prior games in the Arkham series in a supporting capacity.

While it's not much of a surprise that Calendar Man is on the loose after escaping captivity in Arkham City, his presence at Batman's "death" certainly is, given that it pays off one of Arkham City's best-known Easter eggs.

In that game, if you set your console's date to December 13, 2004 - the date Rocksteady was founded - and visit Calendar Man in his cell, he'll tell the Caped Crusader, "I was there at your beginning, and I will be there at your end."

While this likely doesn't hint at a Calendar Man return in any future potential Arkham game, it is nevertheless a fun conclusion to the character's "arc" in a sense, and one that goes by in a quick flash.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.