10 Terrible Boss Fights That Almost Ruined Video Games

2. The Monstrosity - Wolfenstein: The Old Blood

Wolfenstein The Old Blood The Monstrosity

The final boss in Wolfenstein: The Old Blood decided to go ultra old-school with an homage to the impossibly ridiculous, bullet-spongey bosses from the earlier Wolfenstein games.

But in this day and age, a final boss fight where you battle a giant, generic, troll-like monster, whose movement is limited to a fixed axis while you run around trying to avoid its hits, just isn't good enough.

A fatal combination of dull and dreadfully difficult, the Monstrosity lives up to its name in the worst way possible, and sadly ends an otherwise solid FPS on a total whimper. Last impressions account for a lot, after all.

But before we continue onto our #1 entry, note that it contains SPOILERS for one of the late-stage bosses in the recent Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order...


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.