10 TERRIBLE Games That Got Great Reviews

9. Battlefield V

final fantasy 16
Electronic Arts

Battlefield V certainly didn't review as well as the stronger entries into the franchise, but an 81 Metascore for the umpteenth instalment in an almost 20-year-old FPS franchise? That's totally fine, on paper at least.

And while there were certainly some bad actors out to ding the game solely for daring to feature women in its single-player campaign, Battlefield V felt like a staggering comedown from its predecessor Battlefield 1 all the same.

From the appallingly lacklustre amount of multiplayer content available on launch to the molasses-slow drip of game updates, ropey weapon progression system, and terrible balancing, Battlefield V didn't really offer much of a reason at all to stop playing the previous game.

While DICE did at least improve it in the years after launch, it's still a devastating example of a publisher forcing a game out the door before it was done cooking, and without enough content to justify the day-one asking price.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.