10 Terrible Ideas You Won't Believe Were Ever Implemented In Video Games

4. Multiple Endings

Red Dead Redemption Now before you all get up in arms expecting something about the Mass Effect 3 ending, that's not what I'm talking about. Two or three endings I can handle, in fact it makes the game a lot more fun and encourages me to play it again. Bioware have got it right by giving us changes that actually make a difference. If you kill one character at the beginning it will mean you won't get the support of his best mate Steve in the end. Games like Fallout 3 and Red Dead Redemption were just pitiful in terms of endings. It didn't matter what you chose the endings were all the same, the only difference being the trimmings around the edge. As soon as I see a game declaring that it has over 20 endings I don't even bother to give it a chance. No, you don't have 20 endings, you have one. The only differences are whether I'm wearing a pink frilly skirt at the end and whether I had a ham or prawn sandwich.
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