10 Terrible Ideas You Won't Believe Were Ever Implemented In Video Games

3. DLC

Halo Have you recently paid a rather large amount of money for a game? Have you enjoyed that game wanted to play more? Have you perhaps wanted a sequel to said game? Have no fear then, for a small price you can have some different skins for your character and some new weapons. I'm not quite sure who it was that first came up with the idea of DLC but whoever they are I hope they're dam happy with the mess they've made. They probably worked for EA to. It's become the norm now for every major release to be followed with DLC a few weeks or months later, in some cases the DLC is released the day of the release. That's right EA, I'm looking at you. In what way was it a good idea to not only put DLC on the disc when you were selling it, but to also release it on the day you released the game. Is $3.8 billion a year not enough for you? Do your jets not have enough gold sofas in them? Is perhaps caviar and sparking champagne not enough for every meal? In what god-given world is it a good idea to charge gamers for DLC that is already on the disc? Sure you gave it away for free to us silly idiots who pre-ordered the sparkly editions, but not everyone is willing to bend over without any question such as myself. It's not just same-day DLC though, why have we suddenly gone from having no DLC a few years ago to suddenly having 5-6 pieces of DLC per year per game. If you want to make money make a good game, I know it may seem difficult considering the junk that is pushed out every year but come on, you made good games a few years ago developers, what's happened since then?
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