10 TERRIBLE Levels That Stopped You Replaying Great Video Games

8. Writer's Block - The Warriors

Sonic the Hedgehog Labyrinth Zone
Rockstar Games

With the possible exception of Bully, The Warriors is quite easily Rockstar's finest work outside of its core series. An adaptation of Walter Hill's cult 1970s masterpiece, the gameplay felt like a 3D update of classic brawlers such as Streets Of Rage. It was pure, brutal brilliance.

Where the game stumbles though is the mission Writer's Block, which features a chase across the rooftops of New York at the mercy of the Hi-Hats, a gang of evil mimes. This sounds like a thrilling set-piece and it could have been, but its execution is just so, so frustrating. There are instant-death drops everywhere, and without any checkpoints the chase becomes an infuriating case of trial and error. This is made even worse when playing split-screen with a friend. When traversing the rooftops, one fall from either player is an instant game over, resulting in far less room for error.

Luckily, the mission culminates in the characters landing in an enemy's art gallery and getting to smash up all his crap artwork, thus allowing players to take out their frustration on some digital sculptures rather than each other.


Neo-noir enjoyer, lover of the 1990s Lucasarts adventure games and detractor of just about everything else. An insufferable, over-opinionated pillock.