10 Terrible Video Game First Levels That Made Us Rage Quit

1. Unexpected Visit - Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Kingdom come deliverance
Warhorse Studio

Action-RPG Kingdom Come: Deliverance is certainly a game that doesn't suffer the inexperienced or overzealous lightly, enough that it's incredibly easy to get yourself killed right from the opening quest, Unexpected Visit.

Basically, player character Henry is good-for-nothing at the start of the game, and players face quite the gargantuan task making him useful. He can't fight, hasn't got any worthwhile skills, and can't even read skill books to improve himself. Yikes.

As such, you're best advised to avoid conflict in the early going, and especially during the first quest, because enemies can deal way more damage than you can.

Hell, if you decide to pick a fight with the local alcoholic who owes your father money in the first 10 minutes of the game, there's a very strong chance he'll make short work of you.

To make matters worse, upon launch the game had a horribly restrictive save system, meaning you could easily lose a ton of progress right out of the gate if you got killed.

On one hand Kingdom Come: Deliverance let players know what sort of punishing experience they were in for from the jump, but it was probably also enough to turn many off in record time.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.