10 Terrible Video Game Movies That Ruined Iconic Characters

4. Bison - Street Fighter: Legend Of Chun Li

Resident Evil Wesker
20th Century Fox

M. Bison serves as the main antagonist of Capcom's beloved Street Fighter series. Using a mysterious energy force called Psycho-Power, Bison became a tyrannical dictator, as well as one of the world's greatest fighters.

But in Street Fighter: Legend of Chun Li, Bison was rewritten as a wimpy, Irish crime boss. The actor portraying Bison, Neal McDonough, is the son of Irish parents, so you would assume he can pull off a Celtic dialect. And yet, every time he speaks, he sounds like he's trying to impersonate a leprechaun. (Also, why was Bison Irish anyway when it has nothing to do with the story? Secondly, if the filmmakers are gonna make Bison Irish, why didn't they hire an actor that can perform the dialect?)

But it gets worse. Bison is supposed to be a God-tier combatant and yet, the only person he punches in the entire movie is a defenceless woman in chains. To make him appear more intimidating, his dialogue is occasionally accompanied with a tiger growl. (Yes, that is actually in the movie.) If you thought the 1994 version of Street Fighter tarnished the game's reputation, this garbage reboot desecrated it.


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