10 Terrible Video Game Movies That Ruined Iconic Characters

5. Kazuya - Tekken 2: Kazuya's Revenge

Resident Evil Wesker
Crystal Sky Pictures

Few Tekken fans are aware there is a live-action adaptation of Namco's biggest fighting game. And even fewer gamers know of the dreadful follow-up, Tekken: Kazuya's Revenge.

In the games, Kazuya was a gentle boy who became corrupted by a genetic abnormality called The Devil Gene and was then chucked into a volcano by hus daddy. Although this gene endowed him with astounding power, it warped his mind, turning him into a force for evil.

Sadly, this entire backstory is ignored in this film since Kazuya is rewritten as an amnesiac who's brainwashed into an unstoppable killer. You could argue that this change was made so Kazuya could come across as more relatable. However, his literal devilish side is so fundamental to his persona - and Tekken as a whole - it's non-sensical to leave it out of the plot.

Kane Kosugi, who portrays Kazuya, is an excellent martial artist but you never buy this guy as the iconic Tekken character for a second. However, this isn't the actor's fault since this version of Kazuya has no resemblance to his video game counterpart. The story has so little in common with the source material, it feels like the filmmakers devised a generic action movie and then slapped "Tekken" onto the title to encourage gamers to see it.


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