10 Terrible Video Games You Clearly Only Bought For The Achievements

8. Lost: Via Domus

Lost: Via Domus is an interesting case study for this list as it's quite a polarizing title. Fans of the show could at least appreciate the opportunity to explore TV's most famous island though non-fans who might have seen the game as an entry point to the series would have been disappointed. Nobody is arguing that this is a great game; it's just not as terrible as some people might imagine.

That's not to say the game isn't massively flawed though. It's an incredibly short experience with a four hour story (it can be extended somewhat with exploration of the island but even the most diehard Lost fan would struggle to get a great deal more time out of it) and the gameplay is pretty poor. Some of the actors of the show appear to voice their respective characters but that just further highlights the terrible voice actors who filled in for the absent cast members.

Still, the achievement list encourages you to see everything the game has to offer whilst also being incredibly easy. Plus, having a Lost game permanently on your Gamercard is a lot less embarrassing than some of the other entries on this list.

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I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.