10 Terrible Video Games You Clearly Only Bought For The Achievements

7. Nickelodeon Dance

Achievement lists in Kinect titles tend to be incredibly easy or super hard; there's very little middle ground. Arguably the easiest Kinect game to complete is Nickelodeon Dance; a simplistic version of dance games like Just Dance and Dance Central featuring characters from shows like Dora The Explorer.

Problem is, it doesn't work very well. Moves very rarely register properly and the loading times are brutal. It's a game that requires a ton of patience but the gamerscore rewards are something to strive for. The majority of the game's achievements can be earned in under an hour, leaving one achievement (which really will prove to be a test of your allegiance to achievement hunting) which requires you to play the game for five hours. That's five hours in-game dancing, not just hanging about in a menu. If you need an extra fix of Nickelodeon Dance, they released an equally easy to complete sequel, allowing you to fully embrace your shameless achievement-seeking ways.

This game could be the ultimate embarrassment for you though; anybody that looks at your Gamercard for the rest of eternity will know that at some point in your life, you were dancing around in front of your TV screen with Dora The Explorer.

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I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.