10 Terrible Video Games You Clearly Only Bought For The Achievements

3. Hannah Montana The Movie

Before her current twerking phase, Miley Cyrus used to be known for her role as Hannah Montana; Disney's teenage girl-by-day, popstar-by-night sensation. The successful television series unsurprisingly became a successful film and that paved the way for a Hannah Montana game. Hannah Montana The Movie (The Game) found popularity outside of its teenage fanbase though, thanks to the magic of achievements.

The main bulk of the game features button tapping segments to Ms. Montana's biggest hits; these are highly dull but at least they're short and simple. It's the added mini-games that will drive you up the wall, as you'll have to play them over and over and over again to earn enough money for one achievement. Honestly, patience is a big requirement here.

In the end, you'll be left 1000GS richer, but is that worth the shame and humiliation of suffering through this game? Yes is probably the answer from most. Still, finishing Hannah Montana The Movie is an embarrassing feat but there's a game on this list that manages to be even more humiliating...

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I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.