10 Terrible Video Games You Clearly Only Bought For The Achievements

4. Terminator Salvation

It's never a good sign when the star of the movie refuses to have any involvement in the tie-in video game. Christian Bale refused to voice the virtual John Connor, leaving the official Terminator Salvation game with a distinctly unofficial feel. Still, a third-person shooter set in the futuristic Terminator universe must result in a semi-decent game, right?

Wrong. Terminator Salvation borrows a lot from Gears of War and manages to do it all a lot worse. The game, like Gears of War, is based around hiding behind cover and shooting at enemies but a lack of challenge means you can be stood in the open and survive easily. Even the Terminators are easily flanked and offer little resistance; it's quite pitiful.

Combine that with a lack of original weaponry, a paper-thin story that has next to nothing to do with the movie and an amazingly short four hour campaign, and you've got a pretty awful game. Still, playing through the game on Hard difficulty (it's hard in name alone) will net you every achievement and you can play in co-op to share the horror with a friend.

Hopefully someone will go back in time and terminate this game from existence.

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I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.