10 Terrifying Monsters From Non-Horror Video Games
Just because it isn't necessarily a horror game, doesn't mean it can't scare the bejesus outta you!

If you play a survival horror game, you know exactly what you're getting.
You're getting tension. You're getting massive amounts of fear of what's around the corner. You're probably going to get absolutely grotesque monstrosities that would love nothing more than to rip your face off.
What you're getting most of all, is scared. You play these games to be scared. It's the same reason we go to the movies and watch horror films. Humans just love a good fright.
But what of those games where you just really weren't expecting to be scared? Genres bleeding together in gaming is nothing new, so you could be playing a game where you thought you were perfectly safe and BAM, suddenly there's a terrifying hell-beast right in front of you.
There's been some truly terrifying monsters peppered throughout games which aren't classed as a horror titles. So let's take a look at some of the very best, totally unexpected, utterly terrifying creatures that popped up from seemingly nowhere at all.
10. Spanish Zombies, 'The Descendants' - Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

A nice whimsical, globe-trotting adventure you say? Sign me up!
It's hard to think of a world now without the Uncharted series. Widely regarded as one of the best gaming series ever thanks to Naughty Dog's ability to create mesmerising blockbusters, Uncharted - and its star, Nathan Drake - are now household names.
Cast your mind back to the first game in the series though. It was an unknown entity; it looked great, but nobody knew it would go on to become the massive hit it has.
The first game isn't as crazy and over-the-top as the later games in the series, but it's still filled with great moments. One such example is being attacked by what appear to be zombies in an abandoned Nazi bunker.
It's ever bit as terrifying as it sounds. With cramped corridors, darkened lightning and extremely fast, agile foes that you have to gun down in close quarters, this whole section really gets the blood pumping and is genuinely a scary moment in a non-horror game.
Add in the scary design of the zombies, the fact that they unsettlingly move on all fours and the sounds they make...*shudder*