10 Terrifying Resident Evil Enemies You'll Never Get To See

7. Zombie Ape - Resident Evil 2

Wesker Secret Experiments

Another casualty of the Resident Evil 1.5 cull, the Zombie Ape actually does have a model, AI and a pretty terrifying trigger point in the game but for reasons known only to Capcom was shelved during production.

Now as we all know from 28 Days Later zombie-esque monkeys are terrifying but this isn't your average run of the mill marmoset these Badass Baboons have been hitting the 'roids as they are monstrous in their physique.

Originally these creatures would have gone ape at the player when they reached the RPD parking lot, bursting from an Umbrella marked van, then later on would have burst from the Umbrella labs ventilation system at random.

However interestingly enough these weren't meant to reflect that Umbrella had been testing on ALL of these poor primates.

Some were meant to make up a Racoon City zoo exhibit that had been infected but was another area of the game that was cut in the reshuffle. Luckily they would make a pseudo-resurgence when The Eliminators, a monkey B.O.W would be showcased in Resident Evil 0.


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