10 Things 2015’s Biggest Video Games Got Wrong

7. Having Your Main Selling Point Tank The Framerate - Just Cause 3

Just Cause is barmier than nuclear-equipped dancing poultry, and about as fun to watch, too. Its entire appeal - something that's become increasingly apparent thanks to the story taking a backseat - is firmly routed in thinking of the most explosively ridiculous scenarios possible, attaching booster rockets to whatever that is, and then watching it all fire off in a thousand different directions at once.
When it works, on PC especially, it's a fireworks display of anarchic beauty, but when it falls down - which is where the consoles come in - every potentially glorious moment where your best laid plans are set to go off ends up being scuppered by a framerate that reduces them to a slideshow. Avalanche can hopefully optimise this going forward - rather like The Witcher 3's developers CD Projekt RED did - and roll out a handful of continuous patches getting things running far smoother. As it stands right now, you're either going to get locked into a few minute-long load time, or watch the game's biggest selling point cripple its own engine.
Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.