10 Things 2015’s Biggest Video Games Got Wrong

6. Where's The Campaign?! - Star Wars Battlefront

2016 is going to be the decider for multiplayer-only games, as 2014 saw Titanfall fall flat on its face, then this year we've had Evolve, Star Wars Battlefront and most recently Rainbow Six: Siege all discard their single player components simply for the sake of charging full price for less content. It hurt the most where Battlefront was concerned though, as EA DICE really have put together the best-looking and best-sounding Star Wars game yet. The only thing left was to put the game engine to best use and recreate everything from the X-Wing assault on the Death Star, to facing off against Vader as Luke in Episode VI. But no, the realities of EA partnering with the most lucrative franchise of all time meant the higher-ups just couldn't resist pilfering the opportunity for all its worth. The result was this multiplayer-only online shooter (which granted, you can play offline and solo, but that's like saying a 'night out' is you sitting by yourself in an abandoned building), as the vast majority of content is being held back for a stupidly-priced season pass. In the end, if you want the 'full experience' for Battlefront, you'll need the £60 base game and £40 season pass, just for the same amount of content you used to get in the older games for a fraction of the price. Oh, and they had full story campaigns, too.
Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.