10 Things All Modern FPS Video Games Get Wrong

9. Too Many Scripted Set-Piece Scenes

doom multiplayer

The mainstream first-person shooters are to video games like blockbuster action films are to movies - fast-paced, high-intensity, action-packed features filled with big explosions, big guns, with even bigger marketing budgets.

As the technology has improved, video games have been able to recreate the feeling of a big-budget action film by including show-stopping set-pieces like buildings collapsing and massive aircraft crashing into each other.

Unfortunately, some FPS’s have taken including these set-pieces to the extreme. Rather than being key moments in levels to ramp up the action and really surprise the player, these scenes are dotted throughout stages like commas.

You can barely walk 10 yards in Call of Duty without the game taking control away and shoving some ridiculous scripted sequence in your face.

The worst part about these multiple set-pieces is that fact that they are so on-rails. The player never feels like they’ve actually triggered the sequence by doing anything themselves; it’s simply something that will happen no matter what.

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Been gaming since the Megadrive. Loves Batman, Futurama and Blackburn Rovers. Mild obsession with collecting steelbooks.