10 Things Assassin's Creed Must Learn From Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain

1. Dynamic Stealth/Action Missions YOU Trigger

Ironically populated by Far Cry and Assassin's Creed, the whole 'journey round the map and visit all the outposts' shtick has now been done better by Metal Gear, simply because of the waypoints themselves being far better designed than anything in the past AC games. Far Cry 3 and 4 both featured a huge number of these custom-designed outposts to clear out, packed with a variety of enemies and placed in areas that allowed for a variety of approaches. AC Unity did have a couple of side-missions you could trigger where you'd have to clear out a house of guards, but it's never been a staple of the series. Whilst the very first AC started out with you gathering information on one target, executing and then repeating until the end (itself a great idea for an overarching structure), we'd all love instances to test our skills out whilst journeying across the landscape. Honestly, in MGS V you'll just be travelling across the game world, only to spot an encampment or structure loaded with soldiers. In many other open-world titles you'd probably leave it in favour of pursuing a 'proper' mission or class it as world design. If you delve in though, you'll find skilled specialists to recruit, a ton of items that'll be converted into currency to further your cause, and a dynamic switch in gameplay from exploration to on-mission stealth - the exact thing that would again, give Assassin's Creed the life injection it desperately needs. Have you played MGS V? Seen the screenshots or gameplay? What would you carry across to Assassin's Creed? Let us know in the comments!
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