10 Things Assassin's Creed Must Learn From Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain

8. In-Depth Crafting & Equipment Progression (Custom Hidden Blades)

By the end of MGS V you'll be a completely different Snake than when you started, directly because of the amount of resources you'll be plugging into everything from new armour loadouts to weapon and item progressions. As soon as you get hands on certain soldiers who can modify weapons for you, everything starts crossing over; it means you can attach a grenade launcher's under-mount to a sniper rifle, the suppressor from an assault rifle to a sub-machine gun, a shotgun that blasts rubber bullets, etc. It's completely staggering in the best way possible, and I can guarantee my personal loadout for Snake is completely different to yours. In Assassin's Creed the nearest we came to a crafting system was the bomb customisation in Revelations - a fairly pointless addition for a shadow-clinging assassin, in all honesty - but Ubi haven't iterated on it whatsoever since. Unity's weapon options were vast, but you tended to pick either one sword, one spear, and so on. Let us customise the hidden blade especially - there's enough singular parts from the mini-crossbows to the sleep darts, fire-able blades and more, to bring together into one multi-faceted piece of kit you'd gradually unlock over the course of the game.
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