10 Things Assassin's Creed Must Learn From Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain

7. Enemy Classes That Require Specific Tactics

Remember when Assassin's Creed actually asked something of you other than mashing the attack button and occasionally watching out for a counter-prompt? The Ezio trilogy of AC II, Brotherhood and Revelations all featured enemies that would force you to vary your approach if you wanted to take them down. The Brutes were hulking double handed axe-wielders, putting the emphasis on dodging their attacks, before delivering one hell of a counter-blow when you got the chance. This contrasted the guys who could dodge your moves too, making for some faster exchanges where timing was key. It used to feel as though Ubi were building Assassin's Creed's close-quarters stuff into a fun little system; one that should be avoided in favour of stealth, but in a pinch if you were good enough, could keep you alive. MGS V features guards who'll learn your tactics and adapt, coming at you with reinforced helmets or shields if you've previously cleared camps with headshots and melee attacks - and that's what Assassin's Creed is sorely missing in a sea of identikit blade-fodder.
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