10 Things Capcom Wants You To Forget About Resident Evil

3. The 'Buddy' System In 5 Was Horribly Implemented

The beauty of Resident Evil has always been that it's a largely solitary affair. The gamer does meet up with other characters, but they often go their own separate ways. This creates an atmosphere during which other people become saviours when they are involved, because there's a safety in numbers. The exact opposite is true of Resident Evil 5, which had a terrible 'buddy' system. Chris Redfield had a partner for Resi 5, in the form of Sheva Alomar. The option was there to play with a friend cooperatively, which is very much the advised choice. If playing alone, the user is joined by the computer, who takes control of Sheva. In the process, it does an awful job, and Alomar actually gets in the way of proceedings more than aiding the player. From stealing every piece of ammunition in sight, to regularly getting swamped by zombies, Sheva is not a helpful partner. As a consequence, it feels more like Redfield is having to look after her, rather than knowing she's watching his back during the game. It was a good idea in theory to have partners, but Capcom did not do a good job of implementing the feature. The AI was broken.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.