10 Things Only Disney Infinity Fans Will Understand

1. The Upcoming Characters Of Disney Infinity 2.0

We know that Disney Infinity has already been a substantial success. At E3 earlier this year they were calling it a $1 billion franchise in terms of revenue - a projected figure, by the way, not current - and it looks set to only get bigger and better from here onwards. While the gameplay is entertaining, and the Toy Box can be hugely addictive, the key to Disney Infinity's continued success lies with the upcoming batch of characters. And in that regard, Disney has some big guns waiting in the wings. We all love the classics, your Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, Incredibles and so on, but right now the heat is with some of the other brands under the Disney umbrella. We're talking, of course, about the Marvel universe. Disney Infinity 2.0 will be arriving shortly, and along with it comes a host of Marvel superheroes and villains. And just like that, in an instant, the idea of investing your cash in the Infinity idea doesn't sound so silly anymore, right? Impeccably built little figurines of your favorite Marvel characters, Iron Man, Thor, Hulk and more, and far more complex game worlds to play with them in... who could say no to that? We've been promised high-intensity gaming, not just mindless in-game item hunting and silly fetch quests, and looking at the footage that came out of Comic-Con this year it looks like Disney is set to deliver on that promise. Let's not forget that Disney also owns the rights to the Star Wars universe, and the idea of George Lucas' timeless creation getting the Disney Infinity treatment is enough to whip the millions of Skywalker fans into a happy frenzy. Oh, and then there's Marvel's hottest property at the moment, which has already been confirmed to be coming to Disney Infinity 2.0... Yes, we're talking about Guardians Of The Galaxy. Soon you'll be able to pick up figurines of Star Lord, Groot, Gamora and the rest of them, playable in some truly spectacular, over-the-top action adventure gaming. Looking at all the exciting stuff that lies ahead, if you had any reservations about the allure of Disney Infinity, it's time to put them aside and just give in to it.

Game-obsessed since the moment I could twiddle both thumbs independently. Equally enthralled by all the genres of music that your parents warned you about.