10 Things Fallout 5 Should Learn From 1 & 2

9. Lay Off The Romance (Or Do It Right!)

Fallout 1 2

Romance options in Fallout 4 look tacked on just to tick a box. There are many, but each is advanced by linear, boring dialogue. Granted, they don’t detract from the experience, but neither do they add much.

The first Fallout games had no time for such nonsense. Romance just wasn’t a thing in RPGs of the day. Sure, you could have sex here and there, and even get forced into a shotgun wedding in Fallout 2, but that’s it. And somehow that sounds about right. You’re trying to survive in a post-nuclear wasteland, and it’s okay if you’re not in the mood for sappy chats and candle-lit dinners.

If romance is to happen in Fallout 5, it has to be put in context. Generic dialogue about feelings that blissfully ignores the apocalyptic backdrop is more than simply ridiculous. It is a missed opportunity for character development.

Either do it right, or ditch it.


A Russian who learned English from videogames. Sting like a jellyfish, hoot like an owl.