10 Things In Outer Wilds That Will Blow Your Mind

9. The First Time A Loop Ends

outer wilds
Mobius Digital

Looking back on being blissfully unaware of the inevitable result of the first excursion into space in this game, its hard not to be impressed. Upon starting you absorb every piece of lore on timber hearth. You take a look at the museum of underqualified space explorers.

You see the whole solar system modelled for you. Its easy to decide from there to make your maiden voyage to the Attlerock (this solar systems moon). It seems like a suitable start; not far and the simplest journey available.

It allows you time to get used to your ship and take a look at the tools you'll be using throughout. It forms the best tutorial, even after an actual tutorial. You land, have a short chat with Esker; another underprepared astronaut. Soon you'll realise something's changed. The tutorial is barely over and an enlightening realisation hits like a truck.

The universe is ending; the stars are exploding and the one that is uncomfortably close to you, will too. Very soon.

Then the supernova happens, and the time loop resets. Its a profound and amazing experience. One that hooks you in immediately and sews a seed of curiosity that stays with you until you figure out exactly what's at play.

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Outer Wilds
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An aspiring games journalist and occasional blogger, who is terrible at games. I play old music to everyone around me too. I'm here all the time @WhyUKPete