10 Things In Outer Wilds That Will Blow Your Mind

8. The Ash Twin Project

outer wilds
Mobius Digital

The Noami are technological geniuses. They achieve some phenomenal feats throughout the games story. Their highest peak however is the Ash twin project. Their flair for advanced technology contrasts well with the bleak backdrop of their journey around the universe. And seeing the project for yourself and its reveals, is a breath-taking moment.

What you learn along the way is that this place will be the beginning of the end for everything they ever built. But the game makes you work for it. The project is hidden behind the best, most rewarding puzzle in the game. One that flows within the games logic perfectly and will make you audibly cheer when you figure it out.

The second wind comes when you land in the revolving gyroscopic chamber. And see how far the Nomai had gone to answer their biggest questions. Its the best looking place in the game. A feat in itself. You'll be compelled to spend the rest of your time-loop there; smiling happily.

The room reveals important plot points but visually it will leave an impression that stays with you; and you may get to visit several times if you're as bad at games as I am.

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Outer Wilds
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An aspiring games journalist and occasional blogger, who is terrible at games. I play old music to everyone around me too. I'm here all the time @WhyUKPete