10 Things Mass Effect Does Better Than Star Wars

6. Politics

Politics plays an important role in both episodes I-III of the Star Wars films and the Mass Effect trilogy. The difference, however, is that while the politics in the Star Wars prequels were dull, with many fans arguing that it took away from the fun, it is integral to the enjoyment of the Mass Effect series. The Star Wars prequels failed in getting audiences emotionally involved with the political dealings of the galaxy. Sure, there were trade negotiations and senate meetings, all of which ultimately led to civil war, but it was all presented in a cold and detached style that inspired little interest from audiences. This is where Mass Effect has the advantage. There is a ton of political turmoil going on between various alien species, none of which you would care much about if it weren€™t for the alien characters you grow close too. By having Shepard develop relationships with characters like Wrex and Tali, they become the face of an entire species. You fight for Krogan freedom from the genophage because Wrex does. You fight for peace between the Quarians and the Geth because Tali does. Most importantly, the political plots aren€™t separated from their moral ramifications. What is politics if not a debate about what we feel is the right or wrong thing to do? Mass Effect never forgets this, and it explores this through high stakes drama and action. This makes the political machinations within the galaxy incredibly personal, something which the Star Wars prequels, with their dry political dialogues, failed to do.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.