10 Things Mass Effect Does Better Than Star Wars

5. Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is a large aspect of the Star Wars universe. Droids, including major characters like C3PO and R2-D2, are used as tools to fulfill various functions throughout the galaxy, despite how obviously intelligent they are. And yet, the greater implications of this fact have never been explored. In fact, it's kind of disturbing that characters like C3PO are thrown around and treated like objects even though it is obvious that they are able to feel emotions . It is a fascinating concept that the series never dives into. In contrast, the dynamic between artificial intelligence and organic life is inherent to the core story of Mass Effect, and so is explored in depth. From the very beginning of the first game all the way until the final minutes of the third, the question of whether artificially created beings like the Geth and EDI can be considered €œalive€ is presented in differing and fascinating situations. Even better is how it challenges our inherent distrust towards them. Star Wars isn€™t interested in exploring these issues; it€™s representation of artificial life is simplistic, and that€™s fine. Star Wars is, after all, more about adventure and fun. But Mass Effect does explore these issues, and does it well, while still retaining a sense of adventure and fun. It€™s one of the game€™s greatest strengths.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.