10 Things Nobody Wants To Admit About PlayStation
9. The PS4 Pro Runs Some Games Worse Than The PS4

Perhaps the biggest criticism of the PS4 Pro since its arrival, has been the way it runs a lot of its predecessor's best titles at a far slower rate.
It is simple to explain why this happens - the PS4 Pro is programmed to run games at an improved frame rate with additional graphic elements, but the games themselves are set up to run at 1080p and must be scaled for the PS4 Pro to display them smoothly - it makes them look better in the end, but my GOD does it slow things down to a crawl.
Making things look better often results in increased loading times and a certain amount of lag but, with the PS4 Pro, it takes the whole thing to a brand new level. Obvious skipping and dropped frame rates make any consumer ask, "Why on Earth would I invest in this?!"