10 Things Only Battlefield Players Will Understand

8. Lining Up Back-To-Back Headshots As A Sniper

Battlefield Medic 1

Ah, the Sniper Class. Beloved when played... utterly despised when played against.

Snipers tend to get a bad rap in the Battlefield community, namely from a small but very present minority who think spending the whole match within the same two metre radius is “tactical.” (More on that later.)

Having said that, the feeling of popping off a few clean headshots in a row is the closest you’ll come to satisfied nirvana in the Battlefield franchise.

Nothing, that is, NOTHING feels better than listening to the sweet, metallic pinging of the Battlefield 1 helmets as they fly off an enemy’s head, or watching the Marksman pin flash before your eyes in Bad Company 2. Almost makes that twenty minutes trekking up the hill to a decent spot feel worth it.

Battlefield matches are long, and can sometimes feel like a war of attrition, so any personal successes like multiple headshots should be savoured. Well, until one of your previous victims spawns in behind you and knifes you in the back. Then let’s hope you’ve put down your Spawn Beacon, otherwise it’s another rage fuelled walk to the top of that mountain.

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English Student currently in the process of trying to turn the desire to play video games into the desire to study.