10 Things Only Star Wars Battlefront 2 Fans Will Understand

9. Blaster Turrets: Both Infuriating AND Awesome

Star Wars Battlefront 2 fans

The Officer's Blaster Turret ability can be both a godsend and the Darth Bane of your life, all rolled up into one little package.

A deployable turret, this little powerhouse auto-targets and opens fire on enemy soldiers, heroes, and vehicles alike.

Leave it in a corridor or other such choke point, and it will fire away at incoming waves of enemies, earning you valuable battle points in the process.

Once the fight moves on, however, the turret can simply be picked up carried to the next vantage point or even detonated in place.

Not only is the base ability an awesome tool to have at your disposal, but it can also be upgraded as you level up, providing stronger attack power and greater defensive stats.

However, while deploying this little death-cannon is awesome, being on the receiving end is an absolute Bith...

There you are, taking down enemy troops with a head-shot or swing of your lightsaber, only to turn a corner or crest a ridge and be be taken out by one of these oscillating objects of omnipotence.

It's rare that one item can evoke two such disparate reactions as adulation and hatred in the same player, but the Blaster Turret certainly does.


Jedi Knight, last son of Krypton, backwards-compatible gaming nerd, Dark Knight of Teesside...