10 Things Rockstar Must Do With Red Dead Redemption 2

3. Make The Combat More Challenging

While Read Dead Redemption was several steps ahead of the awkward gunplay found in the early Grand Theft Auto games, it did suffer in its own way. The biggest problem was that it was too simple. Entering the game's dead eye mode would allow players of all skill levels to simply walk into most fights without ever breaking stride and kill everyone in front of you with precision shots. You rarely had to employ the game's cover, nor did you need a reason to switch from your standard pistol to finish the fight. Things were even worse on horseback, where the all too helpful aim assist emphasised this even more. By increasing the difficulty of the combat, Rockstar would help add an additional element of risk to the majority of the game's encounters, which in turn would help to keep the experience fresher throughout.

An entertainment enthusiast living in Brooklyn, trying to make his way by slinging words at blank pages.