10 Things Rockstar Must Do With Red Dead Redemption 2

4. Greater Mission Variety

"John, I need you to go here/follow me and shoot this person/people," said almost every single mission-giver in Red Dead Redemption. While that basic structure makes up the bulk of many open world Rockstar games, much like the game's side quests, Red Dead Redemption found it more difficult to hide this structural backbone behind a little creative variety. What the game needed was more missions like the raid on the Mexican fortress, as that at least added some extra scope and danger to all the gunplay. A few train robberies and bar fights certainly wouldn't hurt either. However Rockstar handles it, RDR 2 would certainly benefit by filling its campaign with a little more creative drive. Of course, those more generic killing missions might be a lot better if...

An entertainment enthusiast living in Brooklyn, trying to make his way by slinging words at blank pages.