10 Things Star Wars Battlefront 2 Must Include

9. Split Screen Multiplayer

Star Wars Battlefront Splitscreen

I'll go ahead and say it before I even justify it: this will not be included in Battlefront 2 and if by some long shot it actually is you can color me surprised. Has there ever even been an EA multiplayer game that included a split screen mode for the offline portion of the game? It used to be a feature in the majority of online first person shooters. Now it feels like almost no game includes the feature. Yes, I know I'm being over dramatic and there are certainly games out there which include split screen multiplayer, but damn what happened to the days of couch co-op?

Battlefront did include split screen co-op for the missions in the game, but that was only a tiny fraction of the game, not to say there was a lot to it. Yes, the majority of people play online with their friends, but what about those people who don't and don't want to pass a controller back and forth after each game? What about the people who want to play with roommates, or with their buddies who come over or, hell, even if they want to play a couple matches with a girlfriend or boyfriend?

They might not be the majority, but it's a feature that would help immensely. It's also a good way to get your friends to try the game and convince them to buy it. It's yet another feature that will do no harm to include.


Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.