10 Things That Gamers Today Will Never Experience

6. Memory Cards

Halo split screen

We've all been there. You're working you way nicely through Conker's Bad Fur Day, flushed the Great Mighty Poo but you feel like an idiot in getting caught in the fans of the drain pipe every single time and burning through all of your lives (or maybe that's just me)!

Luckily you've got that mate who can speed-run the game in an hour so you give the cartridge to him on a Friday afternoon, then Monday morning you're through there and ready to continue on your adventure.

Remember when swapping game data was that easy?

Nowadays everything is linked to an online account and can't be shared by anyone. Opening accounts on multiple systems is hardly ideal and you'd have to save games in the cloud rather than your hard drive.

Cartridges and memory cards were the best way of getting game data from point A to point B, even more-so if you own console breaks down completely and you need to replace it. Your hard work on you favourite games is safe in a little portable card ready for you to plug in and continue where you left off.

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A connoisseur of Star Wars, WWE, Sonic the Hedgehog, musical theatre and mature cave-aged cheddar cheese. Can't say that I have limited taste!