10 Things That Gamers Today Will Never Experience

7. Quick Fixes

Halo split screen
Junkie Monkeys

Something that's true among all generations of consoles is that things eventually break. Sometimes it's as minor as a bit of analog stick drift, other times it's the infamous Red Ring of Death.

Nowadays, technology is becoming a lot more advanced, and sometimes that means it becomes more delicate.

As such, you have to be more careful with your systems to keep them in top condition, or risk voiding you warranty if you try to fix anything yourself. It's true that better technology has lead to better games, but not everything has changed for the better.

With a lot of older technology, when things didn't work, there were at-home fixes you can do which would solve the problem, more often than not. For example, if a game cartridge wouldn't load, all you needed to do was blow into it and that worked (despite people from the games industry saying it makes no difference).

If your N64's connection was faulty, you could apply a small amount of Vaseline to the plug and it would work perfectly. Even the Xbox 360 Red Ring of Death had a rather risky home fix of wrapping it in a blanket and letting the console heat up so much that the components inside would warp back into their correct positions.

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A connoisseur of Star Wars, WWE, Sonic the Hedgehog, musical theatre and mature cave-aged cheddar cheese. Can't say that I have limited taste!