10 Things The Perfect Star Wars Game MUST Include

2. Essential Mention: None Of This

Revan Galaxy Of Heroes

Pay to win devices are the bane of video gaming these days with some players spending a small fortune on lootboxes or purchasable perks to literally buy the best chance of victory. EA are unquestionably the biggest exponents of this via titles such as FIFA and even the Star Wars: Battlefront series but it really has to stop, right now.

Star Wars is a global money making phenomenon but that doesn't mean every opportunity needs to be taken to extort the fan base. In truth, every opportunity has already been taken if you think about it - when The Force Awakens released, there was Star Wars branding on everything. Stormtroopers were even plastered on packaging for every day food items such as milk, bread and even spaghetti hoops.

WHY!? Who wasn't aware that a new Star Wars film was coming? Who needed that?

To make sure the game does give players the chance to unlock new things; it has to be done via gameplay and a non-upgrading loot system. The original Star Wars: Battlefront II rewarded players with perks based on their gameplay and it worked, it really worked and a system akin to Rocket League's old crate system would pacify the money machine provided the only stuff in the boxes were aesthetic changes, not performance buffs.


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Probably the only person ever to see all the endings of the awful Shadow the Hedgehog video game. Professional proofreader, football fanatic, lion tamer and occasional liar.