10 Things The Perfect Star Wars Game MUST Include

10. A Non-Linear Play Style

Revan Galaxy Of Heroes

If there is a whopping criticism of some of the better Star Wars titles of times gone by, it would be the design of the levels and story progressions. Virtually all of the mainstream titles are linear or contained within small maps that are preceded by lengthy loading screens and these days that's just not okay.

Knights of the Old Republic and its sequel, The Sith Lords, experimented with sandbox environments but they were limited by the technology of the time and the planets weren't actually as big as they seemed 15 years ago. The next entry in this series, The Old Republic, went full MMORPG and made everything much, much bigger but just too empty to be engaging and it killed the franchise there and then.

For the perfect Star Wars game, you'll need maps the scale of Grand Theft Auto 5 but the exploration potential of at least one of No Man's Sky's neverending galaxies. Players are very demanding these days and will always want more which gives the opportunity for longevity via expansion - who wouldn't want a drip feed of new planets to explore, right?

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Probably the only person ever to see all the endings of the awful Shadow the Hedgehog video game. Professional proofreader, football fanatic, lion tamer and occasional liar.