10 Things The Perfect Star Wars Game MUST Include

9. The Freedom To Be Non-Canon

Revan Galaxy Of Heroes

Disney's takeover of Lucasfilm saw nearly 30 years of Expanded Universe content relegated to the realms of the Non-Canon Legends. Not even the best of the books were safe from the purge which has no doubt left authors Timothy Zahn & co a bit deflated.

The same fate befell all of the video games pre-2012 meaning beloved characters such as Revan, Dash Rendar, Kyle Katarn and even the Lego Gonk droid can't be considered canon. Happily, The Rise of Skywalker did feature a Sith fleet named 'Revan', so maybe there's a chance Knights of the Old Republic can claw its way back to canonicity.

With everything the universe has lost to Legends, would it be completely out of the question to make a Non-Canon video game? Bandai have taken this risk in the past with several 'What-If' style Dragon Ball titles so why couldn't Disney do the same and give us a parallel universe experience?

We could have a post Return of the Jedi romp with Han Solo, or explore the New Jedi Order founded by Luke Skywalker. We could even work with Galen Erso on the Death Star.

Definitely worth consideration, and a must if the game is going to have sufficient creative licence to be perfect.

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Probably the only person ever to see all the endings of the awful Shadow the Hedgehog video game. Professional proofreader, football fanatic, lion tamer and occasional liar.