10 Things The Perfect Star Wars Game MUST Include

4. Replay Value

Revan Galaxy Of Heroes

Gamers can usually be categorised into two distinct groups. There are those who have played hundreds upon hundreds of titles, not always to completion, and hold little to no sentimentality for their video games - mercilessly culling them from their hard drives to conserve precious gigabytes.

On the other hand, you have gamers who have played a fair few titles numerous times over to full, 100% completion before starting over to unlock different endings, quests or to enjoy a different gameplay experience - usually Final Fantasy, Legend of Zelda and Star Wars fans.

Bioware have long been the masters of creating games that are almost infinite replayable, titles such as: Knights of the Old Republic, Dragon Age, Jade Empire, Baldurs Gate, Mass Effect and even Anthem all encourage the player to complete the story and then do it all over again in a different way.

This is essential for a Star Wars title given that most of the games we've already played give the player moral decisions to make that impact on the ending, at least, so the more game changing choices we have to face, the better.

Remember, we don't want to see copies of this one in CeX.

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Probably the only person ever to see all the endings of the awful Shadow the Hedgehog video game. Professional proofreader, football fanatic, lion tamer and occasional liar.