10 Things The Perfect Star Wars Game MUST Include

5. A Healthy Mix Of Characters

Revan Galaxy Of Heroes

Much the same as Robin Williams' iconic line from Jumanji, knowing what year it is will dictate which characters could feasibly be present within the proposed perfect Star Wars game. If it's 39 BBY, then Luke Skywalker simply isn't an option - just the same as 480 ABY leaves it unlikely that Chewbacca will be your co-pilot.

You could set the scene in 4 BBY but you'd be limited to a 28 year old Han Solo and a 17 year old Jyn Erso... who never met one another, that we know of, and surely one of them would have mentioned it if they had - we can go Non-Canon but that's just silly.

Instead, avoiding the 71 year period the films cover makes life a lot simpler. There's no need to try and convince the cast to voice their characters or ask Dee Bradley Baker to impersonate the lot if you don't include any of them in the first place.

A healthy mix of characters was achieved in Knights of the Old Republic's party characters but the generic, repetitive NPC dialogue and appearances became fatiguing over time.

Investing a bit more time in a richer variety of character models for the NPC's is a surefire way to make the galaxy seem more diverse. Add in more developed dialogue and probably Dave Filoni to write key character profiles (along with the story and literally everything else) and we're sorted.

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Probably the only person ever to see all the endings of the awful Shadow the Hedgehog video game. Professional proofreader, football fanatic, lion tamer and occasional liar.