10 Things Uncharted 4’s Beta Revealed About The Full Game

8. The Rope Is A Base Staple Of Gameplay, And It Feels Perfect

First shown in some tantalising E3 footage that had Drake swing through a canyon and deliver a flying superman punch to a wayward soldier, the multiplayer features this as its own staple game mechanic. No longer is the assumption that it's a feature only available on one level or set-piece, as not only does the rope have its own dedicated button (L1), but every map in the beta - from rocky valleys to abandoned cities - have grapple points to attach to. This means you're free to evade fire by leaping off the edge of any given ledge and Spider-Man'ing your way to safety. Another couple of cool things include being able to fire weapons and throw grenades from this swinging position, and charging the rope by holding L1 to grab the grapple claw in hand, before hitting square to deliver a devastating one-hit kill. Perfect if you're pinned down and momentarily out of ammo. Such small things flesh out the tactical options of what playing Uncharted feels like, and they're welcome additions that only strengthen your tactical options in the field.
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