10 Things Video Games REALLY Didn't Want You To See

7. An Unintended First-Person Mode - The Ascent

Spider Man 2
Neon Giant & YouTube: SylpheedW

Now here's a really interesting one - when a bug causes a game to gain a new mode that the developers had no intention of ever including in said game.

That's precisely what happened to cyberpunk action-RPG The Ascent, as mere days after launch, Redditor u/Sokolov_Rdz encountered a glitch which suddenly changed the top-down perspective to first-person.

Though the character's face regularly clips through the camera in this "mode" and the top-down nature means that there aren't any skyboxes visible, for the most part it actually looks surprisingly good, as though it were basically an official addition to the game.

The bug didn't occur with enough frequency among the player-base for developers Neon Giant to even bother officially addressing it, though it was likely removed during one of The Ascent's many post-launch patches.

And sadly despite the bug's discovery spurring a vocal interest in a first-person mode for the game, it's never materialised.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.