10 Things Video Games REALLY Didn't Want You To See

8. The Valkyrie Groping Animation - For Honor

Spider Man 2

Remember For Honor? Ubisoft's historical-themed action game ended up in hot water in November 2017 - some eight months after release - when the studio released a new execution animation for the Valkyrie hero class.

The execution, called "No Touching," sees the Valkyrie mortally stab an adversary in the gut, and in their dying moments their hands happen to fall on the Valkyrie's breasts.

The soldier then tries to apologise, before the Valkyrie swiftly kicks them in the knackers and knocks them out.

Now, is this animation the most offensive thing in the world? Absolutely not, but is it juvenile, regressive, and honestly a bit corny in the modern gaming era? You betcha.

According to Ubisoft, who removed the animation a mere hour after it was released, the execution hadn't yet been approved and was "incorrectly made available in-game."

The next month, they released a revised version of the execution in which the dying soldier clambers onto the Valkyrie's shield instead.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.