10 Things Video Games REALLY Didn't Want You To See

5. An Accidental Swastika - Fortnite

Spider Man 2
Epic Games & Reddit: /u/EuBestCityEu

Fortnite being the absolute cultural juggernaut that it is, it's incredibly important that Epic Games knows precisely what content it's pushing to the public, to ensure that nothing unsavory ends up slipping in - especially with so much of its player-base being children.

In June 2018, Redditor u/EuBestCityEu discovered that by placing four metal floors next to one another and editing them into a circle, a symbol that looks distinctly like a swastika would be formed in the middle.

The Reddit post quickly went viral, enough that Epic swiftly offered a response, assuring players that this was an unintended result of the floor's warped geometry, and would be removed from the game ASAP.

Within a matter of days, Epic had altered the metal floors to bend slightly upwards, ensuring that they no longer formed what appeared to be a symbol of hate. 

Given the potential for such an issue to be blown wildly out of proportion by the mainstream media - especially when targeting parents of Fortnite players - this one was actually revolved in pretty swift, sensible, and drama-free fashion.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.